ASB Club Guidelines
1. ASB meets and approves all items every Tuesday and Thursday during X-Block. If you submit an approval form on Friday, please note, ASB will not be able to approve the item and/or activity until the following Tuesday. Please plan ahead.
2. Every purchase your club makes must be pre-approved by ASB. Please submit a Purchase Order Request form for any purchase and/or reimbursement before buying any items. ASB can only reimburse on an original, itemized receipt. Copies will not be accepted.
3. ASB club monies are for students only and should benefit the entire group, not individuals. Scholars may not be reimbursed directly.
4. Food served between 8am – 4pm must meet state and federal nutritional regulations. The only exception is food fair days. All food fair items must be pre-approved by ASB before reimbursement can be submitted. Food served 30 minutes before school or 30 minutes after school must be approved by ASB and Admin via a purchase order request form.
5. Before a fundraiser can be announced or begins, ASB must approve it. Please fill out a Fundraiser Request Form and ASB will notify you if approved. Fundraiser forms MUST be approved by ASB/Admin at a minimum of 10 school days before your event.
6. Per the Casbo State Rules, California State Law, and District Board Policy, teachers may not collect any money from scholars at this time for any reason. The scholar must turn in any monies collected to the Finance Office within 24hrs of the event. They will get a receipt and may show you the receipt confirming that they have paid. The Cashbox Check out form and money must be verified and completed by two individuals before submitting the funds to the Finance Clerk.
7. If a club is not formed this year and that club has money left in their account from last year, the account will be closed out and the money will be moved from that account into ASB funds. If a club decides at the semester to form, the funds from that account will be gone and they will have to start over.
8. If you want to do a club activity on campus that is going to be included in the daily announcements or advertised in some way on campus, a Club Activity Request Form must be filled out and approved by ASB. We will notify you only if your Activity Request has been denied. Activity Requests MUST be approved by ASB/Admin at a minimum of 10 school days before your event.