Freshman Year

Personal and community wellness link the curriculum among Science, Exercise Nutrition Science, and English Language Arts.  Scholars explore the systems of the human body and work to strengthen their own bodies through nutrition and exercise.  They actively debate public health issues as well as write and reflect extensively about their learning. Palomar Health, San Diego County Health and Human Services, and other local health care providers actively engage in the learning process and provide important context for learning.

Interdisciplinary Projects (NOTE: Projects differ from year-to-year)

The year starts with a hypothetical, yet realistic crime scene. Why did Anna Garcia die? Murder or natural causes? This ongoing, semester-long project connects the learning process across multiple content areas. Scholars research, read, write, and debate the cause of Anna’s death. They examine patient case studies and develop and present patient treatment plans to health care professionals in a Presentation of Learning. Scholars investigate potential murder suspects and hold mock trials. They explore health care ethics and participate in research and debate.
In another interdisciplinary project, scholars design their own experiments to test the effectiveness of specific physical exercises. They use computer probeware to gather evidence and analyze heart rate, lung capacity, and electrical signals in the heart.

The year culminates with an on-site and virtual community health fair to bring wellness awareness to our families and community members.

College and Career Connections

Our scholars explore college and career connections in many ways.  Scholars are introduced to Naviance, our robust online college and career tool.  Naviance helps align student strengths and interests to post-secondary goals.  In addition, scholars work directly with Palomar Health staff to learn firsthand how healthcare professionals work across departments to ensure patient wellness. Likewise, scholars engage in a simulation activity with healthcare professionals (Innovate 8 Video), and they participate in our career experience presentations with local professionals representing many disciplines.